Our dataset is based on the thirteen users who collected the
data during their daily activities.
The dataset includes all sensors available in phones and distinguishes five transportation modes:
being on a car, on a bus, on a train,
standing still and walking.
The dataset was used to build different models,
whit different classification algorithms (Decision Tree, Random Forest,
Support Vector Machine and Neural Network) reaching a maximum level of accuracy of 96%.
If you use the dataset in one of your works, please cite the following publication:
Carpineti C., Lomonaco V., Bedogni L., Di Felice M., Bononi L., "Custom Dual Transportation Mode Detection by Smartphone Devices Exploiting Sensor Diversity", in Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (IEEE COMOREA 2018), Athens, Greece, March 19-23, 2018 [Pre-print available]
The following datasets are those used in our tutorial section and in the code that you can find in our Github repository.
The raw data is those collected through the smartphone sensors of our volunteers. These data were not cleaned.
For more information, go here.
Dataset | Format | Download |
Raw data of dataset's users | CSV |
Balanced dataset contains features extracted from raw data. It was built with two different time windows (5 seconds and a half second).
For more information, go here.
# | Dateset | Format | Download |
1 | Dateset balanced (5 seconds window) | ||
2 | Dataset balanced (0.5 second window) |
The following datasets were generated by extracting the features of certain categories (eg dataset for the Walking
student datasets, user datasets over / under 30 years, etc ...) from the balanced dataset.
Balanced dataset that only contains the features of the selected categoryc (bus, car, train, still, walking).
# | Dateset | Format | Categories | Download |
1 | Dateset 5 seconds window | CSV | ||
2 | Dateset half seconds window | CSV |
Balanced dataset that only contains the features of the selected sensor.
# | Dataset | Format | Sensor | Download |
1 | Dataset 5 second window | CSV | ||
2 | Dataset half second window | CSV |
Balanced dataset that only contains the features of the selected category of people:
# | Dataset | Format | Download | |
1 | Dataset 5 second window | CSV | ||
1 | Dataset 5 second window | CSV |
Balanced dataset that only contains the features of the selected category of people:
# | Dataset | Format | Download | |
1 | Dataset 5 second window | CSV | ||
1 | Dataset 5 second window | CSV |